Dinah Veeris specializes in utilizing the healing properties of plants, herbs and fruits in her botanical garden called Den Paradera which means “where people feel at home”. Dinah Veeris was gifted with ancient secrets passed down from her mother about the healing properties of the plants in her garden that could be used as natural remedies and for their health benefits. Since 1991, she has been renowned for her specialized consulting for people seeking a more naturopathic treatment plan or a supportive medicinal approach to healing.
Dinah Veeris welcomes Curaçao residents and visitors to the island that seek natural cures or who are simply interested in knowing more about the healing power in nature. Tourists enjoy wandering through the maze of plants of over 300 species. These include the calabash, a tree with a gourd-like fruit used to treat stomach aches, hypertension and breathing problems, and a plant called silk cotton that has green pods filled with cotton-like fibre with an aroma that helps cure insomnia and relieve headaches. The tour of her garden also includes a visit to a well about 60 feet deep, dug in the 1920s. dinahveeris.com